The Shawnigan Residents Association (SRA), with support from Economic Development Cowichan (EDC), is seeking qualified artisans and metal workers in the Cowichan Valley to design and fabricate artistic bicycle racks. The bike racks will be installed as part of a community driven project to create four seating view portals along the newest portion of the Shawnigan Lake waterfront trail.


The SRA recently received funding from Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICET) through the Thrive Small Capital Program to create four lakeview portal nodes, complete with seating benches and artistic sculptural bicycle racks. The project is a partnership between the SRA and the CVRD, with support from EDC. These four nodes will be installed at key locations along the newest constructed portion of the Rail Trail, fronting Shawnigan Lake with views of the water.

Viewscape corridor locations in Shawnigan

The SRA is now seeking local artisans and metal workers to submit designs for functional and artistic bicycle racks. The bicycle racks provide an opportunity to showcase the unique character and heritage of Shawnigan Lake Village, and promote the work of a local artist. Shawnigan Lake is a popular summer destination, and sculptural and functional bicycle racks will feature the artist to tourists and local residents. The Shawnigan area is home to a thriving art community, and the SRA hopes to be able to work with the arts community to highlight the beauty of Shawnigan.

“Artistic bicycle racks are a great way to express the culture and heritage of a local community while being functional,” says Dinah Clark, project lead from SRA, “We’ve been inspired by bicycle racks such as those in Nelson and other tourist communities. The SRA is grateful to work with the CVRD and have received funding from ICET to make this project a reality!”

Inspiring bicycle  racks in the City of Nelson


This project is another step forward in implementing the Shawnigan Village Plan to revitalize the downtown Village core, and continue towards making the Village a complete community. The four seating viewscape portals will encourage walking, cycling and other active transportation modes in the community; and will create more ways for people to gather outdoors. EDC also expects the project to increase visitation to the Village commercial area and promote local economic development. The hope is this initiative will continue the momentum for further community-driven projects.

Click here to view the full scope of work!

The SRA and EDC gratefully recognize the contribution made by Island Coastal Economic Trust, as well as 4VI (formerly Tourism Vancouver Island) as part of StrongerBC: BC’s Economic Recovery Plan.

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135 Third Street
Duncan, BC
Canada V9L 1R9
T 250.746.7880
TF 1.866.746.2508