Mar 2, 2023
WorkBC has published the 2022 BC Labour Market Outlook, which provides a 10-year forecast of the flow of supply and demand for labour in the province, covering the period 2022 to 2032. The report forecasts job openings across 64 industries and 500 occupations. It...
Feb 28, 2023
Economic Development Cowichan recently hosted a series of workshops to discuss workforce housing issues and opportunities for Cowichan. Attendees, including employers, workers, developers, and local government planning staff, identified gaps in infrastructure and...
Jan 30, 2023
Economic Development Cowichan (EDC) has published the second edition of the State of the Cowichan Economy report. This series highlights the latest data and economic trends for the Cowichan Valley Regional District, and is published twice a year. In our second State...
Jan 24, 2023
This year’s Islands Agriculture Show will explore agritech, regenerative agriculture, farm transition, and other exciting topics under the theme of “Growing Stability in Uncertain Times”. The event will take place at the Cowichan Exhibition Park on February 3 and 4,...
Jan 17, 2023
The Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD) invites employers, workers, developers, public service providers, and others to a series of virtual workshops to identify issues and opportunities for workforce housing in Cowichan. The CVRD is developing a Workforce...