Be sure and register your business on the buylocalcowichan website to reach the thousands of locals looking to spend locally, and help Cowichan recover from COVID-19.

Employment Opportunity – Economic Development Analyst: Are you a dynamic, progressive, business-minded team-player with a passion for supporting community and economic development?  We have a unique opportunity for an enthusiastic individual to join the Economic Development Cowichan group in the newly created role of Economic Development Analyst.  For the full job posting and job description visit the CVRD Careers website at


Below you will find recent announcements, updates and resources to support business May 29 – June 4, 2020. Please note links and information are changing frequently.  Check your resources often and revisit links to view updated information.

Transition to Recovery Phase

Federal Government Support

  • Small Business Relief Fund – Applications Now Open: The Canadian Business Resilience Network – Small Business Relief Fund will help 62 small Canadian businesses recover from coast to coast with $10,000 grants to help their recovery efforts during these unprecedented times. Businesses can use the grant funds to support their recovery efforts, including paying salaries, acquiring safety and personal protective equipment for staff, replenishing materials or paying for the measures required to adapt business models to the economic impacts of COVID-19.
  • Youth Employment and Skills Program: Aimed at creating up to 700 new positions in the agricultural sector for youth ages 15-30. This program provides agriculture employers up to 50% of the cost of hiring a Canadian youth (maximum $14,000).  Indigenous applicants and those hiring a youth facing barriers are eligible for up to 80% funding. Employers can apply on or after May 26, 2020 for their project to be considered.
  • Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance is Open for Applications: Commercial property owners with small business tenants can now apply for CECRA. Under this program, small businesses that have experienced a 70% decline in pre-COVID revenues may be eligible for rent reductions. CECRA offers unsecured, forgivable loans to commercial property owners to reduce rent by 75% for impacted small business owners.  The loans will cover 50% of the monthly gross rent and the remaining 50% would be paid by the property owner and tenant. Property owners must offer a minimum of a 75% rent reduction for the months of April, May, and June 2020. Apply online.

Provincial Government Support

  • BC Farm, Fish & Food Job Connector: The industry is ramping up for this year’s harvest and employers are facing challenges to fill labour needs. Join us and become a BC Food Hero.  Contribute to BC’s economy and help feed communities across our province and beyond. Learn more about job types and where to apply here.
  • BC Strengthens Federal Commercial Rent Program: BC businesses eligible for rent support from the federal government will be protected from evictions as the BC government issues a new order under the Emergency Program Act (EPA). Eligible businesses whose landlords choose not to apply for the federal CECRA program will be protected from evictions due to unpaid rent payments through to the end of June 2020, as determined by the federal program timelines.

Local Government Support

  • City of Duncan COVID-19 Grant Program: Registered businesses with an office in the Cowichan Region can apply for grants of up to $10,000. The grant is to encourage creative thinking by local organizations to design programs and concepts that will support businesses and residents by the pandemic. This opportunity is for programs that would not qualify for provincial or federal funding, or to leverage existing funding. Please see the COVID-19 Grant-In-Aid Application Form for more details.


To keep businesses informed and up-to-date Economic Development Cowichan has compiled a COVID-19 Business Resource guide.   Visit here to view essential links.


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Duncan, BC
Canada V9L 1R9
T 250.746.7880
TF 1.866.746.2508



135 Third Street
Duncan, BC
Canada V9L 1R9
T 250.746.7880
TF 1.866.746.2508