Is there enough industrial land in Cowichan? Should agricultural properties be permitted secondary dwellings? If these questions caught your attention, now is the time to share your thoughts on how the Cowichan region should grow and develop in the future. Have your say through the CVRD’s Community Circles, which provide an opportunity to gather, discuss, and provide feedback on the new draft Official Community Plan for the Electoral Areas (OCP).

Hold on – why is the CVRD developing a new OCP?

The CVRD recently adopted a harmonized OCP, which standardized information and policies across the region’s nine Electoral Areas to create more consistency, clarity and certainty. The CVRD is now in the process of modernizing the OCP, which will update the policies to address Cowichan’s changing future, particularly in the face of a growing population, a changing economy, and climate change. The modernized OCP will provide a vision, goals, growth containment objectives and policies to direct future decision-making around development, infrastructure and regional services.


But what does this mean for business and industry?

The OCP includes policy goals such as Enhance Regional Prosperity and Strengthen Food and Agricultural Systems, which include objectives and specific policies focused on strengthening Cowichan’s economy across sectors, and enhancing local food security. These policies are only useful if they truly reflect the voices and needs of the business community and industries of the region. The CVRD needs the input of business owners, managers and staff across the Cowichan Electoral Areas and the way to share your thoughts is through the Community Circles.

What is a Community Circle and how do I participate?

Community Circles April Schedule


A Community Circle is a small group of people discussing the future of the Cowichan region. Community Circles will be held virtually, and may be led by the CVRD or by volunteer community member facilitators. During the month of April, Community Circles will focus on Policy Goals, and there are two opportunities to attend each Policy Goal session. CVRD-led Community Circles will be hosted and facilitated by CVRD staff.  To participate in a CVRD-led Community Circle, Register online.

For more information about the OCP and modernization process, head over to and view the “Official Community Plan for the Electoral Areas” project. There, you’ll find other ways to stay involved, and can sign-up for notifications about the project.


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Canada V9L 1R9
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135 Third Street
Duncan, BC
Canada V9L 1R9
T 250.746.7880
TF 1.866.746.2508