The Cowichan Food Innovation Program, spearheaded by Economic Development Cowichan, kicked off in late April 2021 with a talented group of food and beverage entrepreneurs ready to shake up the local food industry and help build a thriving food and beverage ecosystem in Cowichan. When it comes to the cohort, new friendships and connections have been brewing and there is an abundance of ideas and successful business opportunities baking in the oven and sizzling on the grill. Find out more in this Meet the Cohort post by our program facilitators at Spring Activator.

The free, 12-week virtual program delivered by Spring Activator and featuring a variety of guest speakers, including representatives from MNP, supported participants on two journeys: an INCUBATOR to take entrepreneurs from idea to launch preparation, and an ACCELERATOR to take existing businesses to the next stage of evolution.

As the program wraps up, now is the time for the cohort to share their products and services, their growth during the program, and their learnings. Through a virtual showcase on July 13, the participants of the Cowichan Food Innovation Program will have the opportunity to share their unwavering passion for food, and their commitment to bettering their community and planet. The event will be a refreshing snapshot of how local food entrepreneurs are not letting COVID interfere with their goals, and how they are keeping their communities fed while innovating at the same time.

You are invited to the Showcase to meet the graduating cohort and get a (virtual) taste of what this talented group of food entrepreneurs is cooking up! From artisanal teas to mushroom-powered products, there will be something for everyone. Hear innovation stories from familiar names like Old Firehouse Wine & Cocktail Bar, Stillhead Distillery, and Farm Table Inn, as well as newcomers such as Affinity Ciderhouse, and Lost Cuzins.


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135 Third Street
Duncan, BC
Canada V9L 1R9
T 250.746.7880
TF 1.866.746.2508