On Friday, October 18, 2019, A Warm Land Heritage Workshop took place co-hosted by the Cowichan Valley Museum & Archives and Economic Development Cowichan in cooperation with Heritage BC, Cowichan Tribes and the BC Museums Association.  Heritage representatives and local government were invited to think differently about the concept of heritage storytelling and how best to support heritage in the Cowichan Region.

This dynamic workshop provided examples of how shared history, First Nations heritage and today’s visitor preferences play a role in a contemporary storytelling.  It was an opportunity to share ideas on how to tell, promote and preserve local heritage.

The event featured presentations with a wide variety of speakers, from provincial and municipal heritage planners to celebrated exhibit designers, First Nations representatives and tourism industry advisors.

The evening prior to the event, Thursday, October 17 Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) experts Monique Benoit and Jill Plitnikas presented on Heritage Conservation, which included the role of the CCI and some of the challenges and secrets of conservation professionals.

The engaging and inspiring two days brought awareness to the history of heritage conservation, current best practices and the state of the sector in BC today.

For more information on this event contact Kathryn Gagnon at the Cowichan Valley Museum & Archives at cvmuseum.archives@shaw.ca

For more information on Heritage BC visit https://heritagebc.ca/

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135 Third Street
Duncan, BC
Canada V9L 1R9
T 250.746.7880
TF 1.866.746.2508