Find a home
Compared with surrounding markets, the Cowichan Region offers competitive housing options. From rural properties and character homes to contemporary urban townhomes and family-style homes in small-town villages and seaside communities, Cowichan offers a unique range of housing options. See the comparison table below for housing prices in Cowichan.
Benchmark Housing Prices in Cowichan
(August 2024: Vancouver Island, Victoria and Vancouver Real Estate Boards)
Market | Single Family | Townhouse | Apartment/Condo |
Vancouver Island | $785,400 | $544,100 | $403,400 |
Cowichan Valley | $782,800 | $513,600 | $342,700 |
Nanaimo | $819,900 | $523,300 | $409,600 |
Greater Victoria | $1,146,400 | $779,500 | $559,600 |
Vancouver | $2,048,400 | $1,119,300 | $768,200 |
Workforce Housing Strategy
In July 2024, Economic Development Cowichan presented the Cowichan Region Workforce Housing Strategy to the CVRD’s Committee of the Whole. The project aims to identify actions for increasing housing availability and affordability for the labour force. The Strategy outlines four areas of action to address housing challenges as they relate to the workforce:
- Enable industry-led workforce housing solutions
- Accelerate housing development
- Enhance short-term rental regulations
- Establish a housing corporation
The project team is completing a final round of engagement with municipalities before finalizing the Strategy. The current version of the Strategy and companion documents are linked below:
- Cowichan Region Workforce Housing Strategy
- Companion Document: Worker Snapshots
- Companion Document: Case Studies
- Companion Document: Context
Housing Needs Assessment
The CVRD has developed a Regional Housing Needs Assessment in partnership with its member municipalities and nine electoral areas. This housing needs assessment helps us understand what kinds of housing are most needed in our region’s communities now and in the future, which in turn helps inform the official community plan and development decisions.
Attainable Housing
The Cowichan Housing Association (CHA) plays a vital role in promoting the supply of secure, accessible and attainable housing throughout the region. In April 2019, CHA released a regional Attainable Housing Strategy, which assessed housing stock and identified options for innovative, adaptive and sustainable housing tailored to the unique needs of the Cowichan Region.
135 Third Street
Duncan, BC
Canada V9L 1R9
T 250.746.7880
TF 1.866.746.2508
135 Third Street
Duncan, BC
Canada V9L 1R9
T 250.746.7880
TF 1.866.746.2508